
I am committed to providing high quality services.

Let’s partner together to create soulful solutions for you and your community!





Consulting services are compensated through a combination of hourly rates, project fees, and retainers, depending upon each clients’ needs.

Sliding scale fee structure available under certain circumstances, and Marianne is committed to offer her support to Black, Indigeneous and people of color organizations dedicated to advancing racial equity.



Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing cleanses, energizes, and balances the energy systems, thereby promoting wellness and good health on multiple levels physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  Remote sessions typically last  1 hour and are conducted online via Zoom.  

Types of Services

  • Physical Healing
  • Emotional / Psychological Healing
  • Pranic Body Sculpting
  • Pranic Facelift
  • Generational Healing

Rave reviews from my clients ...

"I appreciate being able to work alongside Marianne for so many years. She has helped my organization grow stronger and more impactful." -ML
"A friend referred me to Marianne to connect with the Pranic Healing community in the area. A few days later, I was part of a group of like minded souls thanks to Marianne. I was so excited and nervous at the same time because I did not feel confident in my healing skills. The way Marianne connected us made a difference in my life. She encouraged me to participate and be my own self. And by doing it, it helped me to shine not only my healing skills but my personal, spiritual and emotional life. She is a facilitator. She will guide you to the right place and provide the tools and knowledge like a missing puzzle. She will do it with such a gentle manner that you won’t ever know when that shift was made. I have been improving my healing, my knowledge, my confidence and most importantly my spiritual family." -RD
"I'm in awe of your leadership and so proud that you and your group are working so hard to make a difference for our people. I feel like there’s a wind in my sail to make a difference." -DL
"I’ve worked as a community leader for decades but never knew how to utilize my strengths and not understanding what skills I have until I joined this family Marianne and her team created. Thanks many times!" - TM